3 Hoots

We really have only three simple rules. All other behaviors and expectations fall within these three hoots for success! This is a school-wide incentive!

  • Be Safe
  • Be Respectful
  • Be Responsible
Students following the three hoots can be recognized with a special "Hoot Ticket" from any staff member that can be redeemed for prizes from the prize cart! 

Our classroom will be using a bee~havior system to motivate students to display appropriate safe, respectful and responsible behaviors and those that are best for our learning environment. Look for a weekly report to come home on Fridays.

All students start their day on the green hive, being ready to learn! The children move their bees up or down the chart during they day when they are caught being good or need reminders about making good choices. Hoot tickets, an award and a little bee sticker are rewarded to the (three) students recognized for outstanding behavior by the end of the day!

Students who show great bee~havior consistently and have a wonderful week, staying on the green, earn a token chip to trade for a ticket of their choosing for special privileges, prizes from the treasure box and rewards within the classroom!