Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Earth Day Activities

This week the children are celebrating Earth Week! We have had many fun lessons around this theme. Here's a peek at what we've been up to!

The class viewed a PowerPoint presentation about the history of Earth Day. Ask your child to tell you about it! Do you know who Senator Gaylord Nelson is? We do!

We sang a catchy song about goin' green and keeping the Earth clean too! You can download these songs for your child on iTunes or Amazon. They are from Have Fun Teaching. I try to work music into our daily routine and into every lesson when possible!

We discussed the meaning of the words reduce, reuse and recycle! The children discussed ways that they can help the Earth. Tomorrow we work on an Earth Day sort of things that help and hurt the Earth.

Monday, the entire school participated in a school grounds clean-up challenge! Our class hit the garbage jackpot near the baseball diamond and fence. We worked on calculator skills as we totaled up how many pieces of garbage the class collected as a group. We counted over 700! 

We worked on this cute rebus story writing activity where pictures and words are used to tell a story. 

The kids enjoyed making this colorful project to display on the bulletin board!

  These sparkly raindrops and an adorable raincoat kid decorate our ceiling for our April Showers theme. Keeping the Earth's water clean and conserving natural resources is something we discussed as well.

We are also reading informational texts from Scholastic News Magazines that focus on Earth Week topics. During these reading lessons, we are reviewing nonfiction text features like bold print, captions and headings.

Our read alouds are from author and illustrator Schim Schimmel. This is one of my favorite books!

We are wrapping up the week with a fun Friday movie that ties in beautifully with our theme~ The Lorax!

 This week, the children have been challenged to think about ways to reduce, reuse and recycle both at home and at school. Let's all do our part to help make every day Earth Day!